Author: Web-Editor

  • Our Newest Members

    Widener Law Review’s newest members – Congratulations! Rachael Conte Elaine Preli Angela Cifelli Mitchell Horner Christopher Ammon Casimir Szustak Aaron Black Shelby Scheffler Mathieu O’Brien  Randall H. Brown  Yvette Donaldson Kevin Cordero Merve Ocak Mike Cortese

  • Opportunity for Membership

    Joint Summer Write-On Competition The Summer Writing Competition is open to first year regular division and second year extended division students. First year extended division students who are transferring to regular division and will complete ate least twenty seven (27) creditors by the end of summer are also eligible. WLR and Delaware Journal of Corporate…

  • Welcome to our New Staff Members

    Widener Law Review is proud to announce the addition of eight new staff members: Olabisi Alabi Adam Grott Riley MacGray Reinier Smit Alexis Stombaugh Monica Szyszkiewicz Megan Traynor Regan Ward-Allen

  • Congratulations to our New Staff!

    Widener Law Review is proud to announce and welcome our new members for the 2017-2018 academic year! WLR new Staff Editors are: 1. Giovanna Genoese 2. Travis Gray 3. Quinn Griffith 4. Abigail Lamb 5. Alyssa Lott 6. Gordon Prince* 7. Leigh Rosser WLR new Senior Staff Editors are: 1. Kane Daly 2. David Hamilton…

  • Opportunities for Membership

    Joint Summer Write-On Competition The Summer Writing Competition is open to first year regular division and second year extended division students.  First year extended division students who are transferring to regular division and will complete ate least twenty seven (27) creditors by the end of summer are also eligible.  WLR and Delaware Journal of Corporate…

  • WLR Welcomes You to Our Annual Spring Symposium

      On April 7, 2017, Widener Law Review, Widener University Delaware Law School, invites you to attend our annual symposium: The First Amendment, Defamation, and Privacy in Social Media.  This daylong CLE event will be moderated by Rodney A. Smolla, Dean and Professor of Law, Widener University Delaware Law School.  For more information, please view the Symposium Flyer. To…

  • Congratulations to Widener Law Review’s 2017-2018 Board

      Editor-In-Chief Tricia Kazinetz External Managing Editor Jamie Goncharoff Internal Managing Editor Alyssa Kelly Articles Editors Wendy Sharetts Travis Groski Christlynn Dornevil Research Editors Candace Hardy Andrew Beams Bluebook Editors Vance Davis Octavia Gory